Wednesday, October 22, 2008

spooky scenes

I have pulled out more spooky kooky stuff. I've actually been editing my decor!! REALLY! I am calling this finished....for now. I finally just covered my painting with black fabric which worked just right for the space. I already have ideas jotted down for next year for that mantel. Heaven forbid that I not have another project to work on this next year.
I love the carved pumpkin, but it doesn't show off in the pic very well. I have my eye on a companion pumpkin pedestal for this one. I am waiting for the after season sale and hope it is still waiting for me.

This little group of pumpkin topiaries are my favorite this year. I have a larger pair also that have yet to be completed. It involves me using the router and I can't find my router bits. Oops, need some organization in the workshop.

This little black cat just jumped into my shopping basket at Hobby Lobby last week. Look familiar?

These little gourd guys (and gals)will great our visitors. I loved painting these guys and have sketches for a few more.

I had found these mini buckets a few years ago and hang them
around filled with little treats for guests that pop in.

I have treat bags filled with goodies for each little goblin. Some are handpainted like my little batty bags.

Now, I know that you're thinking I must have a ton of tricksters that knock on my door to be treated. Here at the bump in the road, I have had an average of 6 little people over the past 5 years! I love to see their little eyes light up when they come to the door. I can afford to splurge when I only have a few goblins as opposed to the many that came by the big cottage in the big city.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of haunting tidbits. I have got to get onto my list of other projects that are screaming in the ghoulish tone to pay them their due. Happy Haunting for now.

1 comment:

Elle Jay Bee said...

I love all that you have done! I think I now need more...

Margo (Robolady) mentioned to me that you night be joining in on my and Ki's pumpkin decorating contest. It closes on Friday, and I would love to have you join in. The number of entries is low, so you have an awesome chance at winning one of the big gift certificates to Ki's website...

Hope to hear from you!