Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What is it?

Do you ever pick up something at a sale and buy it for curiosities sake?
Well, this is my What'sIt. They are small crocheted little tabs and one had a little safety pin attached. Hmmm.....these have had me puzzled for a bit. If you have an idea, please send it...enquiring minds want to know.
Perhaps when I can free my mind from this dilemma, I can continue to blog or upload pics or even just think creatively. That's waaaayyy to much for one mind to handle. Haha!

1 comment:

misselaineous said...

HMMMM...a Wednesday Whatzzit! I thought at first maybe hanging rings & tabs for kitchen curtains...changable hangers for potholders...things made by a little old lady who HAD to crochet, but couldn't figure out what to make??? I give up...hope someone knows what they really are! :o} *elaine*