My cup runneth over! More button love for International Button Week. Come on across the street with me to my friends house....
This week I was able to brush up on my paint skills. My neighbor had the most clever use for an old chest. Bear with me on the pics. I was battling intense light from a nearby window and my trusty point and shoot was doing the best it could.

It had doors on top and the 3 drawers. A coat of black paint and new knobs became a new canvas for a little decorative painting. They had found a botanical print to be interpreted onto the doors and on a couple of the drawers....Now, you're wondering How Clever is That? not much in itself.....but,

This old chest was transformed into a computer desk. The pullout drawers behind the double doors were removed to make room for the monitor.
The top drawer was removed and replaced as a false front that drops down. The keyboard pulls out on it's own shelf. This works on so many levels. Functional for a small space. Attractive and is a great new use for something old.

Now, back at my own bunkhouse...This chandelier is the last remnant of brass left in the house. Until it is repainted, we will embrace it's shinyness (is that such a word?, but it works perfect for this project). We have the before view that is just plain....

But you add yards of crystal beads draped everywhere and you suddenly have a crystal chandi!!! I really scored the crystal beads BTY at Walliworld in the clearance section at $1 yd. woohoo for being at the right place at the right time. I bought all that was on the shelves.

I am sneaking some of my Christmas glitz in before Thanksgiving. DH doesn't realize what is fixin to hit him, or maybe he is in denial already.
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