I have a love affair with spray paint. Ok, I’ve spoken it out loud…well, at least typed it really hard on my keyboard. A simple can of paint can do wonders to transform everything around us. Ahhhh, such a simple pleasure in such a simple form. We had recently repainted our house and we all know when that happens, everything else looks so dull and lifeless compared to all the fresh color. Soooooo, I must share my most recent affair.
Our front porch lights had a good shape and were just the right scale for the space. Problem is they were beyond Yucky or as the Sweet One says…”Duck” with the accompanied scrunched up nose.

It is quite obvious that the seasonal swallows love to roost here. I dismantled them which quickly became 20 pieces and cleaned them scrumptiously. Then came the joyous part of painting!
I love my new fixtures. It was certainly a lot easier than shopping for the perfect one for a day or two. I even painted the shiny little reflector plate with a chrome and it looked fantastic although the pic doesn’t do it justice.
At this point, I am just plain high with happiness ( or paint fumes…whatever!!) and I proceed to the next project.
Again, I conquer another light fixture in my dining room. I have kept my eye out for the right chandi for quite a while and they just don’t quite fit the bill of requirements. PAINT to the rescue again….
The old BRASS version.

Quick change lamp shades for a change of seasons.
The presto chango…
Isn’t that just Awesome??!!
I updated the shade also with a bit of ribbon wrapped around the shade and tied. My grandmother’s earrings were then clipped onto the knot. They are all different and just look FAB dahling. Super quick and lots of effect.
Thanks for sharing my paint-love today. I scored some cool old chairs at a sale and will post those pics tomorrow. See ya then.