Saturday, September 6, 2008

Talking With God

I talk with God in the morning
when the day is at it's best
And I talk with God in the evening
as the day departs for rest.

My God is always near me to hear
what I have to say
So I talk to my God as he listens
from the beginning to end of the day.

He stands there as my companion
as my very dear friend
I know he'll still be with me
when I reach my journey's end.

Ina Belle
This poem was composed by my dear mother-in-law. It was written inside the front cover of her bible with the request that it be read at her funeral.
It was read aloud for many dear friends to hear this week. We greatly mourn her passing. She had a full life at 95 years. We rejoice with her that she is traveling with God and her husband again.
This week has been full of great joy with our new grand-daughter and the great sadness of the passing of a wiser generation from us. Take care that each day is spent in fullness of love and the grace of the Lord.

1 comment:

Maggie R said...

What a lovely, meaningful poem... So sorry for your loss.
One leaves and another comes.... what a beautiful baby... Congratulations....