I’ve been absent again from my own blog and I have been missing y’all. This week I’m sending out Thanks to all my followers, friends and lurkers. Time for reflection and appreciation for all the gifts our LORD has given us and the opportunity to pursue them.
I hope to be caught up from doing this….
I love the textured fabric we used for the panels. I’m thinking this would work up into a really cute jacket. I just get all sorts of Scarlett O’Hara ideas with some of the great home dec fabrics I work with!
Then I am loving this window treatment….
I dismantled a king size quilt and reworked it for this adorable window treatment. The final look has tie backs and has a totally romantic look to it.
I will install the next 2 pairs soon for another client and will post those pics. Another pair will be shipped and I’ll badger her to send me a photo of that décor moment.
I’m looking at these photos with the crazy lighting and blurriness and thinking a new digital mega camera with bells and whistles would sure be nice SANTA!! hint, hint.
But I’m still thankful for the trusty point and shoot that is always ready at a moments notice.
Everyone…Have a Terrific Turkey Day and get Stuffed!